Connected PressGuard
Connected PressGuard on paine-eromittari rakennusten sisäilmanvaihdon ja ilmastoinnin mittauksiin. Laite yhdistää kaksi mittauspistettä ja lukee niiden välisen paine-eron, esimerkiksi rakennuksen sisä- ja ulkoilman. Paine-erojen jatkuvalla mittaamisella voidaan ehkäistä näkymättömien rakenteellisten ongelmien syntyä.
The device can achieve up to 10 years with altering the settings to more infrequent measuring, by default it measures and sends readings once every 30 minutes.
The installation is an extremely simple procedure, and requires neither special tools nor complicated configuration operation. It is versatile, maintenance-free, promotes ultra-low lifetime costs, and powerful – the perfect solution for pressure difference monitoring in various use cases.

Product Features
Casing: | ASB plastic |
Size: | 100 x 100 x 35 mm |
Weight: | 166 g |
Battery pack: | 1 x 3.6V |
Battery lifetime: | Up to 10 years |
Measurement interval: | Configurable (10 min .. 21h) |
Pressure difference range: | -500 ... +500 Pa |
Accuracy: | 0.1 Pa or 3% of the reading |
Measuring range: | -20 … 85 °C, accuracy ±2 °C |
Connectivity: | Sigfox 868 / 902 / 920 MHz |
Operating zone: | Sigfox RCZ1 / RCZ2 / RCZ4 / RCZ7 |
Certifications: | CE, FCC, Sigfox Class 0U |
Warranty: | 5 years |
Product code: | CIPRG-3007-R0401 (RCZ1) / CIPRG-3207-R0401 (RCZ2) / CIPRG-3407-R0401 (RCZ4) / CIPRG-3707-R0401 (RCZ7) |