
Real Time Water and Air Temperatures in Gallträsk Lake, Kauniainen

Gallträsk is around 12 hectares with an average depth of 1.5 meters. The surroundings are Grankulla's popular recreation area, with a dirt road that runs around almost the entire lake. In the southeast, the trail runs a bit along the Kavallvägen. The trail is about 1.8 kilometers long. The trail is accessible, i.e. there are [...]

By |2024-05-14T10:02:51+03:0013 May 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Real Time Water and Air Temperatures in Gallträsk Lake, Kauniainen

Real Time Water Temperatures In Kaitalampi beach, Espoo

Kaitalampi is approximately 1200 meters long and 100 meters wide, and is safe to swim in as deemed by a comprehensive survey conducted by the Finnish Environmental Institute in 2008 regarding the quality of water and the environment surrounding Kaitalampi. The water is exceptionally pure from no emissions in the area, [...]

By |2024-05-15T15:23:23+03:004 April 2024|Blog|Comments Off on Real Time Water Temperatures In Kaitalampi beach, Espoo

Fitwel Certification – Earn points with Connected Inventions

Fitwel Building Standard Fitwel is a leading certification programme that optimises buildings and communities to promote health and wellbeing. Originally developed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. General Services Administration, and the Center for Active Design, Fitwel has been created based on extensive research, analysing over 3,000 academic studies. Their [...]

By |2024-02-05T14:43:01+02:0021 March 2023|Blog, Featured|Comments Off on Fitwel Certification – Earn points with Connected Inventions

Indoor Air Quality: Pressure difference monitoring

Topics in focus: What is air pressure? Why it is important to measure air pressure in office and commercial buildings? What effects can air pressure have on health and wellbeing? Monitoring air pressure Air pressure, also known as atmospheric or barometric pressure, is the force applied by air molecules as they press down on [...]

By |2022-10-31T10:42:38+02:0024 May 2022|Blog, Featured|Comments Off on Indoor Air Quality: Pressure difference monitoring

IoT application in cold chain logistics

“Cold-chain” refers to a supply chain that delivers products and/or materials that will be spoiled or even destroyed if temperatures vary beyond the prescribed range, this can be anything from refrigeration, food ingredients to refrigerated vaccines. As implied with sensitive goods, it can be very costly for companies to redeliver if products are wasted [...]

By |2022-01-20T12:05:01+02:0020 January 2022|Blog|Comments Off on IoT application in cold chain logistics

Back to a Hybrid Future: The Return to Distributed & Flexible Work

"How do we get started with hybrid working?" and "When can we go back to work, back to the office, back to business as usual?" These questions are on the lips of many. While many are (and have been) eager to see restrictions lifted, we must remain patient, and this time around – think [...]

By |2022-10-26T14:00:00+03:0015 November 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Back to a Hybrid Future: The Return to Distributed & Flexible Work

IoT enabling indoor air quality monitoring of harmful pollutants in gyms

It is very known that gyms are found to have heightened concentrations of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, and unsurprisingly lots of airborne dust. If there’s ever a place where indoor air quality monitoring is useful, it’s certainly in gyms, and other physical activities centres. It is easy to speculate that human emission is [...]

By |2021-11-03T13:18:17+02:002 November 2021|Blog|Comments Off on IoT enabling indoor air quality monitoring of harmful pollutants in gyms

Breathing easy with IoT: monitoring indoor air quality for health and safety

Read Thought Leadership Markku Patronen, CEO Founder, Connected Finland & Connected Inventions No longer a nice-to-have: IoT solutions monitor the quality of the air we breathe to keep us safe, healthy and productive. Indoor concentrations of some pollutants are often two to five times higher than typically outdoors’. Indoor air pollution has increased in [...]

By |2022-10-31T10:40:11+02:0022 September 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Breathing easy with IoT: monitoring indoor air quality for health and safety

Growth continues – already 200.000 devices in Finnish Sigfox network

Sigfox is the largest IOT ecosystem in the world and has spread into 75 countries. It enables measuring and managing objects of all kind with less associated costs than ever before. The usage of the technology is growing with increasing pace and as a good example the amount of devices in Finnish Sigfox network [...]

By |2022-10-31T09:14:44+02:0029 August 2021|Blog|Comments Off on Growth continues – already 200.000 devices in Finnish Sigfox network

Connected Ranger revolutionizes fleet and asset tracking

Connected Ranger tracker is the latest addition to the Connected product family. Ranger makes tracking assets easy and the device works both indoors as well as over long distances. As the tracker travels, the device scans for surrounding WiFi networks and MAC addresses, which are then translated to match physical location information. Ranger is [...]

By |2022-10-31T11:03:52+02:0019 November 2019|Blog|Comments Off on Connected Ranger revolutionizes fleet and asset tracking
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