Sigfox Lithuania and Vilnius Airport ensures better indoor air quality with IoT Sensors
Due to popular demand, the market is heavily in need of temperature and humidity monitoring solutions affected by the consequences of the energy crisis hitting Europe. And, it is considerably important in keeping energy costs running low during peak electricity demanding times – lowering your building spaces by just 1 degree celcius, facility managers are able to save between 5-7% in annual electricity costs, this can be up to hundreds or thousands.
The devices support and ensure appropriate climate within the terminals with the devices’ frequent data transmissions (On average every 10 minutes) to their building management systems. Essentially, the control room. The data collecting is might simple, and can be distributed to any client’s preferred software platform Via API, or if needed directly through Connected Inventions’ existing FoxerIoT and AirWits Insight platforms.
The advantage of these devices are for their robustness and mobility – no cables are needed, reliable in many conditions, as well as an exceptional up to 5 years battery lifetime.