Press Release

Connected AirWits CO2 and CO2 Plus devices supports & utilises communication using LoRa Technology

What is LoRa or LoRaWAN? LoRa or Long Range Wide Area Network is a wireless communication technology that enables long-range communication between devices with low power consumption. It's a type of low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technology used to connect sensors, actuators, and other IoT (Internet of Things) devices. This technology is commonly used in applications [...]

By |2023-03-15T07:39:49+02:0014 March 2023|Press Release|Comments Off on Connected AirWits CO2 and CO2 Plus devices supports & utilises communication using LoRa Technology

Our devices certified under The Singapore Green Building Council

We are proud to announce that our indoor air quality monitoring devices - Connected AirWits, Connected PM, and Connected IAQ received their esteemed "Very Good" 2 ticks certification from The Singapore Green Building Council. This certification further affirms our commitment to utilising raw data efficiently and ultimately bringing transparency to building occupants. The Singapore Green [...]

By |2023-02-03T08:42:48+02:003 February 2023|Press Release, Uncategorised|Comments Off on Our devices certified under The Singapore Green Building Council

Sigfox Lithuania and Vilnius Airport ensures better indoor air quality with IoT Sensors

Sigfox Lithuania and Vilnius Airport ensures better indoor air quality with IoT Sensors Due to popular demand, the market is heavily in need of temperature and humidity monitoring solutions affected by the consequences of the energy crisis hitting Europe. And, it is considerably important in keeping energy costs running low during peak electricity demanding times [...]

By |2024-03-11T11:02:40+02:009 January 2023|Case Studies, Featured, Press Release|Comments Off on Sigfox Lithuania and Vilnius Airport ensures better indoor air quality with IoT Sensors

Polygon Finland Oy tekee sisäilmatutkimusta ja olosuhdeseurantaa IoT -sensoreiden avulla

Connected Inventionsin laitteet mahdollistavat sisäilmaolosuhteiden valvonnan aiempaa kustannustehokkaammin ja vaivattomammin. Asikkalan 500 oppilaan koulussa havaittiin sisäilmatutkimuksissa ongelmia, joita Asikkalan kunta lähti ratkomaan yhdessä Polygon Finlandin kanssa. Ratkaisu, jolla mahdollistettiin tilojen turvallinen käyttö samaan aikaan korjaustöiden kanssa, oli mahdollinen hyödyntämällä IoT -sensoreita sisäilman laadun varmistamiseksi. Näin säästyttiin kalliilta väistötilajärjestelyiltä, kun voitiin varmistaa, että tilat joissa [...]

By |2024-03-11T11:02:54+02:005 January 2023|Case Studies, Featured, Press Release|Comments Off on Polygon Finland Oy tekee sisäilmatutkimusta ja olosuhdeseurantaa IoT -sensoreiden avulla

Finnish Building FlowHow™ Company Sitedrive Uses Connected Inventions IOT solutions in Gathering Data From Buildings and Construction Sites

Finnish Building FlowHow™ Company Sitedrive Uses Connected Inventions IOT solutions in Gathering Data From Buildings and Construction Sites. Sitedrive is a construction specialist company improving the production flow on construction sites with its Sitedrive “Plan” and “Takt” services. With the services it is possible to reduce the production lead time of a building by [...]

By |2023-01-05T12:22:03+02:003 November 2022|Featured, Press Release|Comments Off on Finnish Building FlowHow™ Company Sitedrive Uses Connected Inventions IOT solutions in Gathering Data From Buildings and Construction Sites

Suomen paras lähiö vie eteenpäin asukaslähtöistä asumista Airwits -lämpötilasensoreilla

Turun Jyrkkälä valittiin edustamaan Suomea kohtuuhintaisten vuokra-asuntojen Pohjoismaiden mestaruuskilpailuun. Valinta kilpailuun kannusti jatkamaan Jyrkkälän kehitystyötä määrätietoisesti eteenpäin. Miten lähiötä kehitetään niin, että siitä on kehittynyt asukasmagneetti? Turun Jyrkkälän 1970 -luvulla valmistuneella asuinalueella toiminnassa asukkaat ovat kaiken tekemisen keskiössä. Jyrkkälän resepti on vuosien määrätietoinen tekeminen, arviointi ja mittaaminen, sekä ammattiylpeys. Aikaansaatu kehityksenpolku hakee vertaistaan. Tänä [...]

By |2022-10-18T13:40:01+03:0018 October 2022|Featured, Press Release|Comments Off on Suomen paras lähiö vie eteenpäin asukaslähtöistä asumista Airwits -lämpötilasensoreilla

Connected Inventions at EXPO REAL 2022

The attendance at EXPO REAL, held from October 4 to 6, 2022, in Munich, Germany, almost reached pre-coronavirus levels: the exhibition grew by almost 60 percent compared to the previous year. Given the current economic situation, there was a great need to exchange ideas and thoughts—also with the Federal Minister of Building, Klara Geywitz. [...]

By |2022-11-04T12:07:10+02:006 October 2022|Press Release|Comments Off on Connected Inventions at EXPO REAL 2022

Isännöintipäivät 2022 – Finland’s largest annual real estate event, see you there!

Isännöintipäivät is the largest annual real estate industry event in Finland, which annually brings together pioneers, professionals and leading service providers in the real estate industry - The event will take place in Jyväskylä's Paviljonki, Finland on September 21st to 22nd. A total of  150+ solution, energy, and real estate partners will be ready [...]

By |2022-10-31T12:46:38+02:0015 September 2022|Press Release|Comments Off on Isännöintipäivät 2022 – Finland’s largest annual real estate event, see you there!

Anders Stenbäck joins The Connected Group’s Board of Directors as Nidoco AB’s representative

Anders Stenbäck joins The Connected Group's Board of Directors as Nidoco AB's representative. He will strengthen and support the company's vision and success moving forward. With over 20 years of experience in developing digital services in listed companies and as board member in multiple industries, Anders brings with him a wealth of experience and [...]

By |2022-07-05T10:26:32+03:005 July 2022|Press Release|Comments Off on Anders Stenbäck joins The Connected Group’s Board of Directors as Nidoco AB’s representative

1 millionth activated Lykaner® asset tracker in Europe with Alps Alpine Europe, Heliot Europe and UnaBiz

From left to right: Thomas Scheibel/ CEO Heliot Europe, Christophe Fourtet/ Co-Founder of Sigfox and inventor of the Sigfox 0G Technology, Henri Bong/ CEO UnaBiz, Sascha Kunzmann/ VP Engineering Alps Alpine, Patrick Fiack/ Key Account Mgr DHL Alps Alpine Germany, June 6th, 2022 – Alps Alpine Europe GmbH, one of the world’s largest developers and [...]

By |2022-10-31T10:41:08+02:007 June 2022|Press Release|Comments Off on 1 millionth activated Lykaner® asset tracker in Europe with Alps Alpine Europe, Heliot Europe and UnaBiz
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